Director of the International Exchange Exhibitions

I.C.C 국제창작미술공동체 국제교류전 기획/추진(한국대표)

2007,6,27-7,5 :  I.C.C 한국과 호주(濠洲)의 창조적 우정展(현대예술관, 울산)워크샵(울산)

                     3개국 29명(Korean, Canadian, Australian)참가

2007,1,15-24 :  I.C.C 국제창작미술공동체: 한국과 호주(濠洲)의 창조적 우정展

                      (Gold Coast Council Chambers Foyer Gallery, 골드코스트, 호주)

                      3개국 29명(Korean, Canadian, Australian)참가


2007 June/July : I.C.C Artists Exchange Exhibition & Workshops

                         (Hyundai Arts Center, Ulsan, Korea)

2007 January : I.C.C(International Creative Community) Artists Exchange Exhibition

                        (Gold Coast Council Chambers Foyer Gallery, Queensland, Australia)  

                        Involved 29 artists(Korean, Canadian, Australian)

=> Click to see enlargement on the photos  사진을 클릭하면 크게 볼 수 있습니다.  

 1, 울산 여성신문(2007.01.06)                            2, 울산 경상일보(2007,06,26)




  3, 울산신문(2007,06,26)                              4, 호주현지신문(2007,01...)


  5, 울산광역일보(2007,06,25)                           


    6, 호주현지신문(2007,01...)