Author KCH Date 2022-09-05 23:41:13
 Title Incheon Korea Art Festival 인천 코리아 아트페스티벌
2022 인천 코리아 아트페스티벌
기간 : 10/12 수 ~ 16 일
장소 : 인천 송도컨벤시아 2전시홀 - 인천광역시 연수구 센트럴로 123
관람 :
VIP, PRESS 오픈 – 2022.10.12.(수) 14시~19시 (개막식 16시~17시)
일반 오픈 - 2022.10.12(수) ~ 10.15(토) 10시~19시
2022.10.16.(일) 10시~16시 (입장마감 15시)
* 부스 : C3 (3x3x9m), 민웨웅 C4 (1.5x1.5x7m)
* 작품반입/디스플레이 : 10월 11일(화) 16:00∼21:00
반출: 10월 16일(일) 16:00~18:00
* 운영위원장 명노선(010-2474-7476), 사무국장
이태경(010-9378-4707), 인천미술협회 (032-867-2196)

작품세계 :
내 그림의 일관된 관심은 자연과 인간의 건강하고 순수한 모습을 그리는 것이다.
2000년대부터 작품은 생명력 넘치는 바다의 사계와 매화 즉, 한국 고매의 아름다움에 대한 현대적 표현에 관심이 많다. 아울러 2018년 부터 해외 아트투어에 많은 관심을 쏟고 있다.

이번 전시에 출품할 대표작 매화시리즈는 시각적인 아름다움과 군자(君子)의 절제된 정신세계를 강조했다. 한국적 정서와 순환하는 자연의 아름다움, 삶의 윤회에 대한 경이로움 그리고 찬란한 생명의 환희를 그렸다.

약력 :
1987 : 홍익대학교 미술대학 서양화과 졸업
1991 : 홍익대학교 대학원 서양화과 졸업
2010 : 개인 작품집발간(도서출판BMK-영문/한글)
1991~2022 : 개인전 49회(국내/해외-미국, 호주, 일본, 룩셈부르크, 미얀마)
2005~2022 : 아트페어/비엔날레/부스전 14회(국내/해외)
2005~2020 : 국제교류전/워크샵 기획 5회(국내/호주)
1987~2022 : 단체전 약220회(국내/해외)
website :
Mobile : 010-6591-3338
Email :

작품소장 :
국내: 울산시립미술관, 영담한지미술관, 울산시청, 울산시교육청,
롯데호텔, 현대예술관(현대중공업), 울산문화예술회관,
통도사 등 국내 기관/개인소장 다수
해외: 호주-골드코스트시청, 미국-IVY TECH(Community College, 블루밍턴),
독일/이탈리아/룩셈부르크/캐나다/일본/뉴질랜드/중국 등 기관/개인소장 다수

기타활동 :
- I.C.C.(International Creative Community)국제창작미술공동체 한국측 대표(2007)
- 울산광역시 북구청 국제문화교류 자문위원(2008)
- (사)울산광역시미술협회 감사(2005)/이사(1999~2001)
- (사)한국미술협회회원(1991~)
- 울산미협상(한국미술협회 울산광역시지회 - 올해의 작가상, 2011)

2022 Incheon Korea Art Festival
When : October 12 Wed ~ 16 Sun
Where : Incheon Songdo Convensia Hall-2

Artist : Kim Chang Han
1991: Master of Fine Art, Dept of Painting, Hong-ik University, Seoul
1987: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Dept of Painting, Hong-ik University, Seoul
Self Published Art-Book in 2010
Solo Exhibitions : 1991~2022 : 49 times (Korea, U.S.A, Australia, Japan, Luxembourg, Myanmar)
Art Fair & Biennale Exhibitions : 2005~2022 : 13 times (Korea, U.S.A, Japan, Italy)
Group Exhibitions : 1987~2022 : About 200 times (Korea and overseas)
Website : :

The list of the works 출품작
1, 2019, 설중매雪中梅 Maehwa (Plum Tree) Blossoms in the snow, Oil on linen 112.1x387.8cm 120P 연작
2, 2019-ab8, 매화 Maehwa (Plum Tree) Blossoms, Oil on linen 116.8x72.7cm 50M
3, 2021-bc4, 백매 Maehwa (Plum Tree) blossoms, Oil on linen 116.8x72.7cm 50M
4, 2022-ad3, 매화梅花 Maehwa (Plum blossoms), Oil on linen 116.8x80.3cm 50P
5, 2021, 자장매慈藏梅 Jajang Mae (Tongdo-sa Plum), Oil on linen 90.9x65.1cm 30P
6~7, 2022-af5, 매화梅花 Maehwa (Plum blossoms), Oil on linen 72.7x53cm 20P
2022-af3, 매화梅花 Maehwa (Plum blossoms), Oil on linen 72.7x53cm 20P
8, 2021-bh6, 바람 불어 좋은날-접시꽃 Breezing Petals-Hollyhock, Oil on linen 40.9x27.3cm 6P
9, 2022-df8, 바람 불어 좋은날-접시꽃 Breezing Petals-Hollyhock, Oil on linen 40.9x27.3cm 6P
10, 2021-jm2, 바람 불어 좋은날-배롱나무 Breezing Petals-Crape Myrtle, Oil on linen 40.9x31.8cm 6F
11, 2022-fc1, 바람불어 좋은날-해바라기 Breezing Petals-Sunflower, Oil on linen, 40.9x31.8cm 6P
12, 2022-fc4, 바람불어 좋은날-해바라기 Breezing Petals-Sunflower, Oil on linen, 40.9x31.8cm 6F
13, 2022-fc5, 바람불어 좋은날-해바라기 Breezing Petals-Sunflower, Oil on linen, 40.9x31.8cm 6F
14, 2022-fc6, 바람불어 좋은날-해바라기 Breezing Petals-Sunflower, Oil on linen, 40.9x31.8cm 6P
15, 2022-fc7, 바람불어 좋은날-해바라기 Breezing Petals-Sunflower, Oil on linen, 31.8x40.9cm 6P
16, 2022-ag3, 매화梅花 Maehwa (Plum blossoms), Oil on linen 27.3x40.9cm 6P
17, 2022-ag4, 매화梅花 Maehwa (Plum blossoms), Oil on linen 27.3x40.9cm 6P
18, 2022-ag8, 매화梅花 Maehwa (Plum blossoms), Oil on linen 27.3x40.9cm 6P
19, 2022-ag1, 매화梅花 Maehwa (Plum blossoms), Oil on linen 27.3x40.9cm 6P
20, 2022-ag9, 매화梅花 Maehwa (Plum blossoms), Oil on linen 27.3x40.9cm 6P

2022 Incheon Korea Art Festival
October 12 Wed ~ 16 Sun
Incheon Songdo Convensia Hall-2

Artist : Kim Chang Han
1991: Master of Fine Art, Dept of Painting, Hong-ik University, Seoul
1987: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Dept of Painting, Hong-ik University, Seoul
Self Published Art-Book in 2010
Solo Exhibitions : 1991~2022 : 49 times (Korea, U.S.A, Australia, Japan, Luxembourg, Myanmar)
Art Fair & Biennale Exhibitions : 2005~2022 : 13 times (Korea, U.S.A, Japan, Italy)
Group Exhibitions : 1987~2022 : About 200 times (Korea and overseas)
Website : :

Director of the International Exchange Exhibitions/Workshops
2019 : Workshop - WISTERIA COTTAGE FINE ARTS STUDIO (Tamborine Mount)
2018 : Workshop - One Arts Gallery (Gold Coast)
2007 : Impressions from Afar - A Visitor's Perspective
(Ulsan Bukgu Culture & Arts Center Gallery)
Involved 28 artists(Korean, Canadian, United Kingdom, American, Australian)
2007 January, June~July : I.C.C
International Creative Community Artists Exchange Exhibition & Workshops
(Gold Coast Council Chambers Foyer Gallery, Queensland, Australia)
(Hyundai Arts Center, Ulsan, Korea)
Involved 29 artists(Korean, Canadian, Australian)
2005 : Workshop - Tweed River Regional Art Gallery (NSW, Australia)

Domestic : Ulsan Art Museum, Yeongdam Hanji Museum, Ulsan Metropolitan City,
Ulsan Metropolitan Office of Education,
The Lotte Hotel, Tongdo-sa Temple, Hyundai Arts Center,
The Ulsan Culture & Art Center,
Ulsan Institute of Foreign Language Education
Numerous individually owned pieces in Ulsan and other cities in Korea
Overseas :
Australia - Gold Coast City Hall, numerous individually owned pieces
America - IVY TECH(Community College, Bloomington), individually owned pieces
Germany, Italia, Luxembourg, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, China – Public and Individually owned pieces

Artist Statement
My consistent interest in art making is to pursue pure and healthy images of humanity and nature: The everyday lives of people, and the purity of nature which overflows with the force of life. I think that nature is not merely a subject to be seen aesthetically but an intermediary which helps me to perceive reality truly and to improve it. I dream of people elated by the harmony between the ideal and the real.

The works of Maehwa (Plum Blossoms) : My Maehwa paintings reach beyond the mere aesthetic beauty of the subject, bringing to bear symbolic meaning, especially in the realm of Korea’s emotional disposition: the noble character and strong discipline of the dedicated scholar.
It is easy to imagine the tree and its beautiful flowers as symbolic of struggle and life’s perpetual soldiering on. The act of blossoming is both gentle and forceful. The petal’s delicacy contrasts to gnarled boughs and rough twisted trunks. The Maehwa stretches toward the unreachable sky with an unyielding tenacity.
The Maehwa blossom season thrills me. This glorious spectacle fills me with a sobering appreciation. Often, I spend several minutes standing in front of the tree, contemplating its beauty and the emotion it stirs. In addition to the connotations of the soldier’s spirit, the Maehwa touches me personally, reminding me of my hometown in spring. I think of my mother's love when I look at the blossom’s inconceivably graceful form.
From late winter to early spring, the flower buds struggle to burst forth in profusion, until all of heaven and earth is embroidered with leaves and flower petals! The cyclical beauty of nature, the miraculous perpetual cycle of life, and splendid joy - all are present here.
The primary setting of The Maehwa Works, the grounds of aged Buddhist temples, nurtures the senses with the savor of the changing seasons, and infuses these paintings with a lively spirituality.
Some of these works were completed in one sitting, while many of them were created over several years. Returning every year afresh to the thematic connotations of the subject has added depth of meaning along with the layers of paint.

Acrylic paint has availed for the expressive technique of rendering the painting’s backdrop, the structural integrity of the Maehwa. Thus, the figure of the tree remains intact while the oil paints are applied. Taking full advantage of both mediums, the material effect is a rhythm with attributes of watercolor in that it is merry and refreshing. So, it can be said that The Maehwa Works enact a harmonious marriage of the positive traits of disparate materials: those traditionally utilized for the painting of a Korean SooMukhwa, and the more modern materials used in Western paintings, which require their own distinct methodology.

Have a click to see for more details.

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