Author KCH Date 2023-12-31 17:28:54
 Title Recent Works of Winter Sea 일출
2023 마지막 날도 한반도에서 가장 먼저 해가 뜨는 동해바다 울산 간절곶에서 캔버스를 펼치고 작업했다.
전날 밤까지 비가 내렸으나 일출시간에 맞춰 짙은 구름은 태양을 향해 길을 열어주었고 찬란한 불덩어리가 솟아오르기 시작했다. 그리고 수많은 갈매기들이 힘차게 날았고 합창을 하면서 멋진 모델이 되었다.
간절곶에서 몇일째 그리고 있는 나머지 20호 두 점은 최종완성은 계속 작업을 하면서 판단할 수 있겠다. 새해엔 더 멋진 작품을 기약하면서....

On the last day of 2023, I worked at Ganjeolgot in Ulsan, on the East Sea, where the sun rises first on the Korean Peninsula.
It had rained last night, but just in time for sunrise, the thick clouds made way for the sun and a brilliant fireball began to rise. And many seagulls flew energetically and sang in chorus, making for great models. I will visit on the beach to draw the winter sunrise series continuously in January.
From early morning, female divers were catching sea-food diligently at sea, huge ships and fishing boats were busy coming and going in the distance, and tourists who came to greet the sunrise all united in one heart to welcome a hopeful new year.

Promising even better works in the new year

1,2023-ka1, 일출-생명의 환희 Winter Sunrising-Vital Fantasy, Oil on linen 31.8x40.9cm 6F

2,2023-ka2, 일출-생명의 환희 Winter Sunrising-Vital Fantasy, Oil on linen 53x72.7cm 20P

3, 2024-aa1, 일출-생명의 환희 Winter Sunrising-Vital Fantasy, Oil on linen 72.7x53cm 20P

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