Author KCH Date 2024-04-21 08:37:22
 Title Recent Works of Winter Sea 일출
From sunrise to sunset at Ganjeolgot beach in Ulsan, Korea
간절곶(울산 울주군) 일출부터 일몰까지

겨울바다 대작 120호 현장작업 마지막 날,
이른 아침, 간절곶 작업 현장기온은 영하10도,
해변 바위주변엔 얼음이 꽁꽁 얼었다.
추운 날씨 덕분에 오랜만에 환상의 해무 현상도 볼 수 있었다.
겨울바다 시리즈 나머지 몇 작품도 곧 마무리 할 것이다.
It was the last day of the new big size work in the sea,
In the early morning the temperature at the Ganjeolgot work site was -10 degrees Celsius.
The ice was frozen solid around the rocks on the beach.
Thanks to the cold weather, I was able to see a fantastic sea fog phenomenon for the first time this year.
Another works of the Winter Sea series will be completed soon.

1, 2024-ab1, 일출-생명의 환희 Winter Sunrising-Vital Fantasy, Oil on linen 193.9x112.1cm 120P

2~5, Detail of #1 작품부분

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