Author KCH Date 2024-05-19 15:21:45
 Title Recent News 전시소식
Recent News : Solo Exhibition in Essen, Germany

초대 개인전 :
기간: 2024, 5,23~6/7,
오프닝: 5,24 19:00~21:00
JC jesuschris gallery (에센, 독일)
전시제목: 영혼의 여행

24.05.2024 / 19:00

Soul Travel
Kim Chang Han

Witteringstr. 83
45130 Essen

Exklusive Vorschau: 23.5.  / 19-21 Uhr

„Painting is my greatest enjoyment and the mission of my life. I am very pleased when people find their own meaning and feelings in my paintings. When people hang my art work in their homes or work places, they share those feelings with all who visit them. This sharing adds to the value of their relationship with those visitors. (…) I thank my collectors for their appreciation and love of my work. Even though these paintings are no longer with me, this web site keeps them alive for me. They will be in my heart forever. (…)

I am conscious of the ways in which the subjects of my art fit with my constitution and with a perhaps particularly Korean emotional sensibility. I try to stick to experiences from my real life and times, striving to locate my identity relative to my heritage and a positive vision of the future. I bring to this endeavor a heartfelt appreciation for mysterious nature overflowing with the force of life, and a conception of life as essentially beautiful and pure.„

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